Feb 8 2019

Project updates!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated anything here and that’s a darn shame. Here are a bunch of cool projects that I’ve been working on recently and are still ongoing!

Jun 11 2018

Net Neutrality is Officially Dead, Ugh

Well, it finally happened.  Amid the trumpets and fanfare of a valiant uphill battle by those with any sense, Ajit Pai (the head of the FCC, and someone who is often painted as a puppet of Big Telcom and President Donald Trump), has succeeded in dismantling net neutrality in america.  I expect that lots of kinds of internet traffic will begin to be throttled very shortly including but not limited to anything encrypted or “unidentifiable” to ISP’s packet classification filters (such as VPN traffic), peer-to-peer file transfer traffic such as BitTorrent,  and quite probably media sites that compete with the cable operator’s parent company media holdings.  Prepare for a world of slow media services and “internet fast lane” prioritized service packages.

I have also been made aware that many states are proposing state-level net neutrality legislation, but bureaucracy is notoriously long and arduous and may or may not apply over state lines as there aren’t a whole lot of good systems in place to determine jurisdiction when it comes to online matters.  Apparently there are also several states that are attempting to sue the fcc to undo the FCC net neutrality, but at this point, I have difficulty finding much hope for that.

Source Articles: Fortune, New York Times, Cnet, The Virge



This just in: It’s ok, because Ajit Pai says we’re going to love it </sarcasm>

Jun 4 2018

Upcoming site changes and new content!

I know quite a few people who find their way to this post will likely groan and say to themselves “I’ll believe it when I see it” – but it is my hope that as I am making the details public that it will help motivate me to follow through with these projects with alacrity.  In the near future, I plan to set up some more prominent social media and video streaming/watching/profile links to help people more easily find my YouTube and Twitch channels as well as hopefully maybe be a bit more interactive with questions and answers on twitter.

I’ve thought on and off about creating a forum here, but honestly given my social media presence spread around elsewhere, I don’t really think that adding a forum here would really be of any use to most of the people who view my content here (please feel free to hit me up on Twitter if you feel differently, I value your opinions) and I would also be somewhat worried about form software bugs drastically reducing the security of my site (which has happened to me a few times in the past.)

Anyhow, I’ve been doing a little bit more casual game streaming over on Twitch, so please do join me there and don’t forget to press that follow button in the upper right to get notified when I go live.  Also, when I do play games over there, I typically send out a tweet a little bit in advance (just before I start getting set up), and I’m going to try to put together a bit more YouTube content in the next few weeks as well.  I’ve got quite a few things to say about a whole slew of nerd things (notably the state of virtual reality, augmented reality, phone and tablet design options, the future of user interfaces and a whole lot more), so please head on over there, get subscribed, hit that bell icon to get notified when I post new content, and I’m sure anything that I think is really snazzy will end up posted back over here eventually as well.

Have a suggestion as to how I can make this site (or any of my videos or other interactions) better?  Have any questions for me or the community?  Please don’t hesitate to hit me up on Twitter and I’m happy to talk!

Apr 13 2018

iMuto Taurus X5TC USB Battery Unboxing

Feb 24 2018

Unboxing cheap (under $20!) PLA filament plastic material for 3d printing from Amazon!